
Friday, 1 February 2008

Windows XP x64 - Dual boot with xp32

Ok, so I feel the time is right to tryout XP Pro x64 the 64bit version of XP.
The download of the 120 day trial is 39% downloaded and my google searches have come up with all positives on this OS stability on my laptop (Acer Aspire 5022WLMi -AMD64 Turion, 1gb, 100gb, pci-e Ati x700)
I really don't expect too much gain as all applications will be running in 32bit. The hope is I will gain more performance while multitasking - although this laptop really is a great machine even by todays standards (3yrs old now)
I expect to upgrade the ram if this experiment goes well. A new bigger hdd will also be required ;)
Watch this space for updates on how it works out!
Installed and got ati radeon x700 drivers from european acer support site - works
Installed Broadcomm drivers from acer site - installed ok but required Launch Manager to be installed so the front button would work.
Installed sp2 for xp pro x64- worked
Why do Microsoft offer a 120 day trial which is only SP1??
After downloading the iso >500mb then you must download sp2 which is another 360mb....but wait for then must download a futher 170mb of updates!!!!
Now as this is trial software, why isn't it the most recent updated version??? are getting really sloppy !!

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Funniest Video on You Tube....

This has got to be the funniest thing on the web. Harry Enfield / Paul Whitehouse are comic genuses.

Women know your limits

The feminists will die at this!! lol