
Sunday, 12 April 2009

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Sunday, 5 April 2009

M.G.R.B, Win Irish Youth Music Award 2009!

  • 15,000 kids
  • 1,000 musicians
  • 600 youth clubs
  • 52 gigs
  • 1 winner!

Monaghan is rocking to the news today that Music Guvenors Radio Bottle have won this year's Irish Youth Music Award. The judging panel at the IYMA’s 2009 included Willie Kavanagh MD of EMI Music, Jackie Hayden Hot Press Magazine, Brian Daly, Marketing Manager at Phantom, Liam McCormack from RTE’s Den TV, Aileen Galvin from Entertainment Architects PR and Dermot Doran, manager of Republic of Loose.

After a day of mentoring, the guys had reviews from Willie Kavanagh of EMI and Hot Press. The guys just rocked the place, leaving no doubt as to their talents! They won vouchers and a interview with hot press magazine, a tv interview, a radio interview and get to record a new cd in a studio in Dublin.

Well done lads!!

The Irish Youth Music Awards

Thursday, 2 April 2009

A Priest in Hell

My good friend, author Randall Radic has released his latest book "A Priest In Hell".............

“Living in jail is like living in a foreign country. The customs and culture are different, almost alien, and so is the language.”

A Priest in Hell is the compelling true story of life in the U.S. prison system. The book takes fodder for popular reality shows (like Cops) to a new level, giving the reader a frighteningly real sense of the tastes, sounds, smells, culture and lifestyle of jail.

On November 5, 2005, Randall Radic was arrested and charged with ten felonies. Desperation for a monied lifestyle led Radic, a pastor in the northern California community of Ripon, to first mortgage the home provided to him by his church, before selling off the church itself. His crime is exposed when a large bank deposit catches the attention of the authorities. Radic is subsequently convicted of embezzlement, forgery, and fraud, and he spends six months in a California jail before a plea bargain facilitates his release.

At 54, Radic is well above the average age of the prison population, and his background as a priest makes him both a target and a confidante within the prison walls. Through the book, Radic introduces the stories of several of his fellow inmates, detailing their crimes, cases, and struggles. He eventually earns his plea bargain by sharing confessions of a fellow inmate with the district attorney.

Radic considers his time in jail Dante’s version of Hell. This is the gritty, painful reality of crime and consequence.

This is an great read, a great insight to the prison system from the prisoners viewpoint. get it now!


ISBN-10: 1-55022-869-2

ISBN-13: 978-1-55022-869-4

6 x 9 in, 288pp, paperback

$19.95 CAD

April 2009

buy @ Amazon

Funniest Video on You Tube....

This has got to be the funniest thing on the web. Harry Enfield / Paul Whitehouse are comic genuses.

Women know your limits

The feminists will die at this!! lol